Wednesday, September 29, 2010

As long as competition and knowing facts are the great motivators of American Education we will continue to "strangle" the curiosity out of our children. We must allow the joy, delight, and ecstasy of learning be the ONLY focus of our educational system. Let us not mistake competitive test scores as meaningful learning. Our commitment is critical to the future of our society - we must let go the "chains of compliance" in forcing our children toward the fallacy of being "competitively" capable in the business world. Stand up, cry out, let not one more child's mind be stolen by the command of compliance to the existing statutory system of education. It is time for us to say "ENOUGH", "NO MORE." keywords: JOY, CREATIVITY, CURIOSITY

Monday, September 20, 2010

How long will it take for us to get real?

Now, here's an interesting question -- how long do we let schools and districts pat themselves on the back for nice sounding mission statements that are totally out of line with the reality of what students are doing and learning, or could be learning in the 21st Century? How long do we let them turn their back on the emerging technologies that can revolutionize learning for their students simply because the potential for problems is something they prefer not to have to deal with?
