Monday, October 5, 2009

The Leadership Conundrum

Conundrum: a confusing and difficult problem or question. "What is leadership?" A great conversation to be had with that question..... And yet, as we work on becoming great leaders we need to have some sense of what that means and how we can keep growing as leaders toward an essence of great.
I know the real issue we face as leaders is this question, exactly. What am I? How am I? What do I do, how do I do it? You may begin to start to understand why the conversation is about leadership before it is about technology and the future.....

1 comment:

  1. So it appears, from your comments, that we as people must have a sense of our Identity. I'm reading Bauman's philosophical piece "Identity" currently and so far pieces of gems from it keep popping up everywhere. My friend and I have decided it to be our word of the month and I text him whenever it comes up.

    Identity crises, he sees first became a societal problem when transportation became widespread in the European country sides. Nations were trying to unify a diverse body of cultures under a single word like "France". Census takers were driven mad when the only answer people could give as to nationality was "We are from here". Perhaps, part of the leadership conundrum is that the only answer we can give with certainty is that "we know leadership when we see it" (similarly to another class where we only know learning has occurred when we see it).

    Now the technological flattening of the world is again resulting in (perhaps minor, but none the less important) online identity crises. So what does this have to do with leadership. I'm not sure, but in a way this comment is an example of leadership. We've done good by starting our blogs but the idea bouncing and threading of a web of knowledge (not information, of which there is a ton of irrelevant bits on the web) needs improvement. I'm surprising myself because even though many classes in the last two years have required online comments and reflections, I've just never been good at doing it or maintain it.

    I hope that continuing my own blog (in addition to writing an autobiography of how I came to see myself as a scientist) will make "What and how I am?" visible, because only then/now is my purpose and "What do I do?" beginning to take shape.
