Wednesday, October 6, 2010


"Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all, because you'll be forever in the control of things you can't give up."

-- Andy Law, author of "Creative Company" (1999)

This quote hits a very interesting nerve in me. I never thought of change as requiring me to give something up, but as I read this, I think it's true. We have to "give up" our present way of doing things, our present way of thinking, or our present way of relating to others. In a way that makes it somewhat easier to look at change.... What currently may be good could always be better! This quote also explains about why we humans may be afraid to change. While things may not be all that good, at least I know what is and don't have to wonder what's next. Change doesn't automatically assume things will be better - maybe it will get worse (Oh my!).

The reasons I became a teacher were that I liked kids, I thought I could make a difference AND I wanted each day to bring something new. I think we need to remember that kids are changing and different every day, only as adults do we try to remain the same!

1 comment:

  1. Love this... I am loving that I am actually making links here with several of the leadership traits I have not always been able to put into words. I especially liked the comment about children are currently growing and changing, yet as adults we (generalizing) fight change. As kids we can't wait to grow up and as adults we try to stop time.
