Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Clearly, the issue of technology in schools is a "rascal" of a topic - what's right, what's wrong. what works, what doesn't, who can, who can't, who will, who won't. Bottom line though - almost ALL kids use technology and primarily in the world of social networking. I am attaching a URL for an example of how tough WE in education have it.......
An article from Teacher's College Record:

A Federal Court Makes a Bad Decision: School Authorities Cannot Discipline a Student For Posting a YouTube Video that Described a Classmate as a Slut


Not even judges always get it right.....

1 comment:

  1. I took my freshmen class of 33 into the library to begin blogs today. Upon polling them, 6 do not have any internet access at home, and 1 does not have an email. In informal surveys done throughout the past two years, this is the largest group without internet at home, I typically have 1 to 3 per class without access at home. But...our school has access for them before school, during the 1 hour lunch, and after school. We also have a computer lab open in the evenings for families to come in and have internet access to check grades and other things. Plus, the public library has access as well.
